Portal is basically a bigger website. Categorically, the websites are divided into three types i.e. blogs, normal website and portal. This is basically the largest website that contains several sub websites. These are basically the online market place that contains comprehensive information on a particular topic.
For example, an e-commerce website also comes in the category of the portal if it contains different categories. But the main differentiation is provided by the attributes provided. In case of e-commerce website, if different sellers are offering their products at same platform, then it is considered as portal. In this, separate vendor area is provided in the website.
The portal basically contains the huge database of the different vendors along with their product details and other relevant information. The main advantage associated in this is that the buyers have the flexibility of getting products from different buyers on the same platform.
The portal contains additional functionality like vendor area, etc. To attain this, PHP is considered as the best language. This is a script language that is widely used to develop portal. With the help of this PHP Web Development, additional functionality can be provided to the website. In simpler language, a customized CMS can be developed using which products, rate and other details can be uploaded on this without any difficulty.
In a nutshell, a portal is basically a marketplace that provides a common platform to different business organizations to sell their products and services. This is a comprehensive database using which the buyers get the flexibility of getting different products at reasonable rates. This is equally good for both buyers and sellers. The buyers get the product at cheaper rate at common platform, while the sellers get the large number of buyers.
Webclick Digital Pvt. Ltd. is counted as one of the best B2b portal development company based in Delhi, India, provides cost effective web solution to its client.