Don’t you think it’s high time to create a Facebook page for your business? This is because every second person is using social media platforms not only for web surfing or enjoyment, but for promoting their business as well. Now the next question is that how to create a business page on Facebook? Following are some simple steps which help you to set up a business page in simple and easy manner.
Log Into Facebook: First step in creating a business page is creating your Facebook profile. Because this will helps you to stand apart from the others or make your distinct identity. You can straightforwardly go to Signup page and fill the basic information and create your own Facebook profile.
Create Page: The next step is going to create page option which shows on the timeline of your profile. And from there you can take a look and choose the category from the dropdown menu which suits your business objective.
Choose Your Category: After creating pages, choose the category which suits your business objective. When you click on the category option, it showed you numerous categories like Web Designer, so you can choose as per your requirement.
Name Your Page: On this step take your time and give a unique, readable and informative name of your business page. Always keep in mind that the name of your page is its identity, and this will help your customer to find you.
Add Your Profile Picture: You can add the logo of your business as your profile picture. This will also help to attract numerous customers to it.
Add Your Basic Information: For the success of your Facebook web page, you should add your basic information so your customer can easily contact you.
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