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Holiday season is here! For the folks in the digital world, the thing that marks the start of this season is Santa’s Village - a campaign by Google to promote fun, learning and holiday activities among children and adults throughout the world.

It’s the fifteenth year of Santa’s Village and this time all of the activities are available to explore and engage with from 4th of December itself, instead of taking all of December to get unveiled. This fantastical world of Santa comprises of imaginative games, fun apps and a whole lot of other stuff for educators.

Google’s Santa’s Village

The Old And The New

All the favourite games have remained and there are some new traditions. You can build your own elf with “Build An Elf” and you can also start a dance troupe of incredibly talented elves with “Dance(s) With Elves” by using machine learning model ‘PoseNet’.

Learning With Santa Tracker

The section ‘Santa Tracker for Educators’ is also there to help educators with PDFs and video tutorials. These things will help the teachers out there in making lesson plans for the holidays. Free educational games are also available to teach the students something worthwhile.

So, dive into the world of Santa by going to Google.com and you would find the link just below the search bar. There are many things to explore and you would also get to learn about some exceptional educational non-profit organizations.

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